We have a storm shelter here.
We don't use it to hide from storms.
The people that put it in put it waaaaaay
too far away from the house. I'm not
about to run out there in the pouring rain
and hail 20 times a year to sit in a dank
and dark place. But it's built right - it's
in the ground, faces the right way, has
a steel door, has a ventilation pipe and
also a drain that runs water through a
pipe downhill. When the remodel is
done here and the bedroom addition
finished, the storm shelter will be moved
so it's right on the other side of a door
off of the bedroom. It will be more like
a safe room, only it will still be underground,
have the ventilation and drainage, and
the steel door. The building is concrete.
I am reminded tonite of the time at the
radio stations when FEMA decided to
finance a storm shelter broadcast room.
I had nothing to do with it - the money
came from FEMA, tens of thousands of
dollars. The broadcasting room was
finished, the equipment in place and
hooked up. The idea was in the event
of an emergency, the radio station could
still broadcast from the safe room. BUT.
Two things happened. #1 is it had a
wooden door - oh yeah EXCELLENT idea
in the event of an emergency!! #2 was
they delivered a generator WAY TOO
BIG to ever go in the room designated for
it. This generator was close to a hundred
grand in cost! Taxpayer money at it's
best! I have no idea what happened, but
I was not going to waste anymore of
taxpayer money. I knew the shelter would
not withstand any sort of bomb or catastrophe,
I knew it was not up to par. So by
the time the generator was delivered I
refused it - told them to take it back.
No one believed that I was serious. And
I have no idea what FEMA did with it after
that time. I did know that it was time to
stop the insanity of wasting taxpayer money
on something that served no purpose
whatsoever! Who the genius was that put
all that together and sent me that stuff
I have no idea. Before the semi came back
to pick it up I had many ranchers stop and
say if I didn't want it they would take it
off my hands - LOL!