I still have a NM driver's license.
Oops. Been meaning to change it.
Meant to a couple of weeks ago, but
didn't have the correct paperwork
to show proof of residency. Never
have a problem writing a check
in town as no one seems to care
about where my license is from, except
a yearly problem with this local
Almost one year ago one lady gave me
a fit at the store with my out of
state license. "Oh honey you can't
write a check. You need to go
down to the license bureau right
away and get a Missouri license."
Excuse me? How much do you make
working here? Anyway, a friend is
the night manager at the store, so
he made a copy of my license and put
it in a book with approval for my
checks. After that when I wrote a
check, I just told them it was in the
book - and no one ever looked nor
questioned it.
Until yesterday. Writing a check,
I told the girl I was in 'the book'.
"What book?" she asked. "Uhm,
I think the book in the pay check
drawer." She pulled out a binder
and went through the 'book'. I
was not in there. Well oops.
She called the manager and told
me "Doesn't matter if you're in there
anyway, still need approval." Okay :)
The manager came up and at first
told me I couldn't cash a third party
check. Hello? WHAT third party
check? "Oh". I told him a copy of
my license was supposed to be in
'the book' with approval. He said,
"Not a copy of your license, you mean
copies of your payroll stubs."
Well I don't get paychecks, so I highly
doubt that's what I meant. But I
didn't think it was the proper time
to tell him I didn't have a job.
He approved the check without
a problem.