Likes and dislikes:Okay let's carry this one step further. Want to know the real me??I dislike liars, hypocrites, ignorance, stupidity, racism, hot dogs, beans, snakes, mice, cooking, and water.My likes are lobster and other seafood, good wine, cheese, honest people,people who don't try to change everyone around them, animals, baseball, gardening, and a nice sunny day.I'm quiet, reserved. I keep to myself a lot although I do tend to drawpeople to me. I am picky as to whom I like and will accept as a friend.I don't watch much tv or movies, I like doing things on the computer orreading. I adapt to change easily in most cases, and rarely fret over thelittle things in my life. I rarely gossip, and then only to trusted people.I enjoy the very simple things in life and don't need to be entertained 24/7under most situations.
You'll find no ranting and raving (much) about controversial subjects on this blog.But what ARE my views on things anyway?Religion - I discuss this with NO ONE and I respect YOUR beliefs (as long as you don'ttry to convert me to your way of thinking).Politics - I am probably a republicrat. Hehe. Okay I am a conservative, though not completelyfar right. Gay Marriage/Gay Adoption - Hey, go for it. You'll get no opposition from me.Bans on fast foods/smoking/soda/guns/anything else - NO NO NO NOAbortion - Pro choice. That doesn't mean I'm necessarily pro abortion. There is a difference.Illegal Immigration - Kick 'em all out.Anything I'm missing??
After years of watching Albuquerqueor Chicago news, I amstymied by the lack of professionalismwith our local news.Don't get me wrong - I'm sure they'redoing the best they knowhow to do, and trying to make deadlines and get stories outand probably shorthanded etc. etc. etc. But often the factsare not reported correctly, or not all facts are given, or manytimes incorrect advice is given out. Some of it can be downrightdangerous. Case in point - one local news story yesterday wasabout pipes freezing in this cold weather spell, and how plumbers are kept incredibly busy right now. So it went on tosay how to check for holes in your crawlspace that might needplugged - 'Go down to your crawlspace at night with a flashlight.Shine the flashlight around. Have someone stand outside the houseand report to you if they see any light.' DUH? HUH? As onereader pointed out and ALL readers thought - what about going down in the daylight and just looking for light shining through??The story also went on to say 'Using a blowtorch is one wayto unthaw a pipe, just be careful doing so.' Okay so that's notverbatim but pretty close. An open flame on pvc pipe? UGH.Might as well be step by step instructions as to how to burn yourhouse down!! There was also the blurb in the story about whenyou're leaving your house you can always just turn the wateroff to prevent lines from freezing. HUH? Without draining thepipes?? Hmmmm. It really makes me wonder then on a bigger level with the media -how inaccurate are THEY reporting stories? And do reporters reallylive in a hole all the time? They need to use some common senseand think before reporting! Many many times they do not.
Uhm, Hello?This is new to me, but not really. Have had an MSN group
for a few years and am in the process of moving it to NING.
Still, not sure what to blog about!