Tuesday, January 26, 2010

LOVE IT Loved the Man!

"I was teaching a Sunday school class at one of the churches in Waycross, Georgia, where I grew up. And the lesson dealt with equality and all of us being one under the eyes of God. All of a sudden it hit me!! This isn't true! The church was - is- the most segregated place one day a week there is in our country. And it's so ironical and so tragic that here's a philosophy which preaches and teaches human understanding and brotherly love and practices, in essence, the most vicious form of human relationship there is." Pernell Roberts (1928-2010)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Various Angles

I’ve come to realize that my job... Is important and has played
a very big role in who my child is and how we fared overall in
marriage and in the business.

I’ve come to realize that when I’m driving... I'm busy looking
out for nuts on cell phones, people taking curves over the yellow
line, and people pulling out in front of me. I'm a more
defensive driver now than I ever was, especially since moving
to Missouri.

I’ve come to realize that I need... Attention and love. Just
from a few trusted people.

I’ve come to realize that I have lost... Innocence from life's
experiences. I am no longer a naive person, I am not stupid
by any stretch of the imagination.

I’ve come to realize that I hate it when... Someone lets me down.
This rarely happens because I am the last person on earth
to expect anything of anyone, so when it does happen it
is a big deal.

I’ve come to realize that money... Is necessary for a
comfortable life, but is not the answer to everything.

I’ve come to realize that certain people... Will forever
be lying, cheating, worthless skanks.

I’ve come to realize that I’ll always... Be okay. Sure
I'll have those down moments, but I have a good head
on my shoulders for just about any situation.

I’ve come to realize that my siblings... Are from another
planet, I mean, another generation. We do not think
alike, we do not share the same life experiences.

I’ve come to realize that my mom... Is who she is and
it will only get worse.

I’ve come to realize that my cell phone... I only have
when I'm traveling.

I’ve come to realize that when I woke up this morning...
That the sun was shining and it was a brand new day.

I’ve come to realize that last night before I went to sleep...
That some fantasizing is okay, as long as one makes
sure not to try to make anything real.

I’ve come to realize that right now I am thinking...
When did I get so old and wise?? LOL.

I’ve come to realize that my dad... Is bored and old.

I’ve come to realize that when I get on Facebook...
It's something to do, a time killer. Most of the
people on there I do know in person (or once did anyway).
Most of the people are connected in my life in
some way. Most are special to me.

I’ve come to realize that today... Is a new

I’ve come to realize that tonight...Is peaceful.

I’ve come to realize that tomorrow... Is another
day to start fresh and make a smile.

I’ve come to realize that I really want to...
Be content and at peace with the things in my life.

I’ve come to realize that the person mostly likely to re-post this is...

I’ve come to realize that life... Happens, whether we're
ready for it or not. That we must face each challenge
with a clear head. That we can go in circles forever
if we want to, but that will solve nothing and
only serve to make us miserable.

I’ve come to realize that this weekend... Is
almost here!

I’ve come to realize that my friends...
Are divided into acquaintances, good friends,
trusted friends, and super duper special friends.

I’ve come to realize that this year... Will have
ups and downs, and I hope to face each challenge
bravely and intelligently.

I’ve come to realize that my husband...
Is my bestest friend. Without him I wouldn't
be who I am.

I’ve come to realize that maybe I should...
Stop taking things so seriously.

I’ve come to realize that I love... Happy,
upbeat people. Those that don't constantly
complain and whine. Those that have integrity.
Those that mean exactly what they say and stick
to it no matter what!

I’ve come to realize that I don’t understand...
The sadness in the world and the nutty stuff
people do - some serious, some just dumb.

I’ve come to realize my past... Isn't really that
bad. In fact overall it's pretty good :)

I’ve come to realize that parties... Are okay
with enough alcohol, as long as it isn't an
everyday or every week thing.

I’ve come to realize that I’m totally terrified...
Of water.

I’ve come to realize that my life...Is whatever
I make it out to be...I choose to be miserable
or be happy. I choose to live it or complain.
I choose to focus on the negative, or focus
on the positive.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Going back

It's funny, the older I get, the things that pop into my head.
I'll suddenly remember someone that pi$$ed me off 20 or 30
years ago, and get rip roaring mad all over again. Like the
9th grade assistant principal, who sent a note to summon me to
the office. I was in P.E. class. The note said, "She skipped
class on August 25th." I did no such thing. So there I go down
to see MR. WHITE, in my gym clothes, and he promptly assured me
that yessiree, I did skip school that one class. After the
urge passed to strangle him, I thought about the day and
class in question. We had a substitute teacher that day. The
girl who sat in front of me had the same last name as me.
She never went to class. I knew the substitute just wrote down
the wrong person on the absenteeism list. I told this to
MR. WHITE, who promptly told me it was MY RESPONSIBILITY TO

So I had images for days of going up to all the teachers
and asking to review their absenteeism list. THANKS MR.

But what's even more humiliating is remembering 20 or 30 years
later the STUPID THINGS I DID way back then. Granted I
was younger. Granted I was stupid at times. But oh boy.
I never hurt anyone emotionally or physically, I never
TOTALLY broke the law :-0

I'm wondering what I'm doing now that when I'm old and in
a nursing home I'll think back on and turn red, LOL.

Monday, January 18, 2010



Your words, your dreams, and your thoughts have power to create conditions in your life.
What you speak about, you can bring about.

If you keep saying you can't stand your job, you might lose your job.
If you keep saying you can't stand your body, your body can become sick.
If you keep saying you can't stand your car , your car could be stolen or just stop operating.
If you keep saying you're broke, guess what? You'll always be broke.
If you keep saying you can't trust a man or trust a woman, you will always find someone in your life
To hurt and betray you.
If you keep saying you can't find a job, you will remain unemployed.
If you keep saying you can't find someone to love you or believe in you, your very thought will attract more experiences to confirm your beliefs.
If you keep talking about a divorce or break up in a relationship, then you might end up with it.

Turn your thoughts and conversations around to be more positive and power packed with faith, hope, love and action.
Don't be afraid to believe that you can have what you want and deserve.

Watch your Thoughts, they become words.
Watch your Words, they become actions.
Watch your Actions , they become habits.
Watch your Habits, they become character.
Watch your Character, for it becomes your Destiny.

The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settle for .
Though t I would share this with you.

In the search for Me, I discovered Truth.
In the search for Truth, I discovered Love.
In the search for Love, I discovered GOD.
And in God, I have found Everything .

Be Blessed

Watch how your circumstances and situations begin to change when you change the way you speak.
Pass this on to as many people as possible, so they change their lives, too.

"Life is like melted butter. . .once things cool down, it can be reshaped!"

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

There comes a point

There comes a point in your life when you realize: Who matters, Who never did, Who won't anymore... And who always will. So, don't worry about people from your past, There's a reason why they didn't make it to your future.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Rediscovering Bruce

One of my favorite songs ever.

Yes, yes...YES!!

After almost 3 weeks off, we are on day two
of the kiddo being back in school!!!!!!!!!

Friday, January 8, 2010

2010 is upon us

I turned into something I was not.
There was that ice storm.
My father in law passed away.

I had a couple of trips and got to meet some very wonderful people.

I continue to strive to be my very best. This
will never happen but I will try.

2010 is starting off cold as crap. I hope that changes, but if
it gets unusually warm then we have the risk of being blown to
uhm, the east coast by tornadoes, so a middle temp would be nice -
no below zero wind chills, no short weather. But I must remember
it all works out in the end, and for that I am thankful, but I'll
save that for a November post :)

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Only the Cartwright's

If you are too young to remember this show perhaps you'd
be best skipping this post.

My television the past few months has been strictly limited
to old reruns ... Sanford and Son, Gunsmoke, Roseanne, The
Nanny, Bonanza......

Noticing things. More than once I actually toured the Bonanza
house at Lake Tahoe, Nevada, so it's interesting to watch the
show now since touring the house. Certain things are very
noticeable, certain things come to mind often:

*The gas fireplace. The show was set in the year, what,
the 1860's I believe? They didn't have gas fireplaces then.

*The electric light by the door. I don't think we are
supposed to notice this.

*As much power and as much wealth as the Cartwright's have,
they still cannot find a woman to marry. Judging from
Ben who was married and widowed 3 times over, and the
various girlfriends of the Cartwright boys who came to
a sudden and tragic death, I surmise it is bad luck to
fall in love with a Cartwright. Even in real life only
one 'Cartwright' is still alive...Pernell Roberts. Even
Hop Sing (the actor who portrayed him) met a tragic and
sad death.

*From touring the actual Cartwright house, I know there is
really no upstairs, or second floor to the home. All of
the bedroom scenes in the show were filmed in California.
So I can't help thinking this every time I see someone
come down those stairs.

*My grandfather, a horseman, used to watch the show and
tell you every time the Cartwright's changed from a
quarter horse to another kind of horse with the exact
same markings. One scene would show Little Joe galloping
away on his Quarter Horse..in the next scene he'd be
arriving at his destination on his Standardbred (or whatever).

Yep, the Cartwright's are an interesting bunch. Just
don't fall for them, or you'll die a tragic death! ;-)


Most of us have them.
They come in good friends, best friends, acquaintances,
work friends, internet friends, casual friends, partying
friends, family friends.

What make a really good friend?

Time and trust for one thing. That's the obvious.

To me, a really good friend must have passed the
'tests'. I really don't know what the 'tests' are
until they happen, but I have them. Once I have
a really good friend I would save that friend from
drowning before myself, and they are stuck with me
for life :)

A test, a really true test of a good friend is
something, anything, to indicate they think you are
special, basically without them even knowing they
did - they just do it naturally like breathing.

A really good friend did just that recently - she
is planning on leaving her area for several months
later this year....I was planning on going OUT
to her area later this year. She asked me when
my trip was planned (it's not, waiting on an
airline schedule). Once I told her about what
month it would be when I was there, I asked her if
she was even going to be in the state - she replied
that she planned on leaving around that time, but
would decide after I decided when I was coming,
so she would definitely be there when I was there.
And I stress the casualness of the whole conversation,
not doing it to look good or to suck up, just a
fact that my trip out of the country will be
scheduled once you tell me when you are coming.

THAT is the sign of a true, lifelong friend.

Another sign is the friend that will get up to
do something for you when in reality they don't
have to. How to explain this - like you sit down
with the friend and comment, oh I forgot to get
some coffee. That friend jumps up and brings you
coffee. Do they have to? NO. Do they want to?
YES. No false pretenses, just being who they are.
OF COURSE we must be a good friend in return
for this to ever work. I'm speaking from a
one sided view only. Basically a true friend is
one that is not afraid to do some special little
things, to show they care and think you are special.

You find a true friend like mentioned above and
you do whatever it takes to keep them!! I have
several and I try very very hard to be a good friend
in return. I care and intend to stay friends till
the day I die!