Saturday, June 26, 2010

Welcome to Michigan

A friend of mine just returned from a vacation to Michigan.
"Oh my God" she exclaimed, "It's horrible, you can't do anything!"
I already knew. Many don't. We don't realize just how
protected we are here, in the Ozarks. We aren't a liberal state
with high taxes. We don't have more laws than we know about.
They don't do much stupid stuff just to satisfy the people
that bitch the loudest. The gas tax is low, property tax low,
personal property tax low, cigarette tax low, government involvement
at a minimum, and the list goes on.

We can smoke at a bar. We leave it up to individual businesses
as to how they want to run their establishments, we aren't
a primary seatbelt state, etc. etc. etc.

OF COURSE we get people moving in that try to change that -
so far they haven't succeeded. And I would hate for us to
go there.

Yes it has its' downsides - but we cope and aren't dependent
upon government assistance or bail out for all of our problems.
For instance our county roads are lucky to see a snowplow days
after a storm. Stray dog? Forget it, no shelter. Deal with it.
And we do.

I am not that old, in my 40s. But what I am seeing is
a generation of people that WANT to be told what to do,
and I just shake my head. When is it our job to judge
others, to legislate morals? And when was it hip to be
politically correct? God help me the day I have to hide
in the closet to do the things that once were accepted
in society. Stop judging others. Clean up your own house
then mind your own business. I hate political correctness.
And I would never move to Michigan.