Saturday, January 2, 2010


Most of us have them.
They come in good friends, best friends, acquaintances,
work friends, internet friends, casual friends, partying
friends, family friends.

What make a really good friend?

Time and trust for one thing. That's the obvious.

To me, a really good friend must have passed the
'tests'. I really don't know what the 'tests' are
until they happen, but I have them. Once I have
a really good friend I would save that friend from
drowning before myself, and they are stuck with me
for life :)

A test, a really true test of a good friend is
something, anything, to indicate they think you are
special, basically without them even knowing they
did - they just do it naturally like breathing.

A really good friend did just that recently - she
is planning on leaving her area for several months
later this year....I was planning on going OUT
to her area later this year. She asked me when
my trip was planned (it's not, waiting on an
airline schedule). Once I told her about what
month it would be when I was there, I asked her if
she was even going to be in the state - she replied
that she planned on leaving around that time, but
would decide after I decided when I was coming,
so she would definitely be there when I was there.
And I stress the casualness of the whole conversation,
not doing it to look good or to suck up, just a
fact that my trip out of the country will be
scheduled once you tell me when you are coming.

THAT is the sign of a true, lifelong friend.

Another sign is the friend that will get up to
do something for you when in reality they don't
have to. How to explain this - like you sit down
with the friend and comment, oh I forgot to get
some coffee. That friend jumps up and brings you
coffee. Do they have to? NO. Do they want to?
YES. No false pretenses, just being who they are.
OF COURSE we must be a good friend in return
for this to ever work. I'm speaking from a
one sided view only. Basically a true friend is
one that is not afraid to do some special little
things, to show they care and think you are special.

You find a true friend like mentioned above and
you do whatever it takes to keep them!! I have
several and I try very very hard to be a good friend
in return. I care and intend to stay friends till
the day I die!