Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Various Angles

I’ve come to realize that my job... Is important and has played
a very big role in who my child is and how we fared overall in
marriage and in the business.

I’ve come to realize that when I’m driving... I'm busy looking
out for nuts on cell phones, people taking curves over the yellow
line, and people pulling out in front of me. I'm a more
defensive driver now than I ever was, especially since moving
to Missouri.

I’ve come to realize that I need... Attention and love. Just
from a few trusted people.

I’ve come to realize that I have lost... Innocence from life's
experiences. I am no longer a naive person, I am not stupid
by any stretch of the imagination.

I’ve come to realize that I hate it when... Someone lets me down.
This rarely happens because I am the last person on earth
to expect anything of anyone, so when it does happen it
is a big deal.

I’ve come to realize that money... Is necessary for a
comfortable life, but is not the answer to everything.

I’ve come to realize that certain people... Will forever
be lying, cheating, worthless skanks.

I’ve come to realize that I’ll always... Be okay. Sure
I'll have those down moments, but I have a good head
on my shoulders for just about any situation.

I’ve come to realize that my siblings... Are from another
planet, I mean, another generation. We do not think
alike, we do not share the same life experiences.

I’ve come to realize that my mom... Is who she is and
it will only get worse.

I’ve come to realize that my cell phone... I only have
when I'm traveling.

I’ve come to realize that when I woke up this morning...
That the sun was shining and it was a brand new day.

I’ve come to realize that last night before I went to sleep...
That some fantasizing is okay, as long as one makes
sure not to try to make anything real.

I’ve come to realize that right now I am thinking...
When did I get so old and wise?? LOL.

I’ve come to realize that my dad... Is bored and old.

I’ve come to realize that when I get on Facebook...
It's something to do, a time killer. Most of the
people on there I do know in person (or once did anyway).
Most of the people are connected in my life in
some way. Most are special to me.

I’ve come to realize that today... Is a new

I’ve come to realize that tonight...Is peaceful.

I’ve come to realize that tomorrow... Is another
day to start fresh and make a smile.

I’ve come to realize that I really want to...
Be content and at peace with the things in my life.

I’ve come to realize that the person mostly likely to re-post this is...

I’ve come to realize that life... Happens, whether we're
ready for it or not. That we must face each challenge
with a clear head. That we can go in circles forever
if we want to, but that will solve nothing and
only serve to make us miserable.

I’ve come to realize that this weekend... Is
almost here!

I’ve come to realize that my friends...
Are divided into acquaintances, good friends,
trusted friends, and super duper special friends.

I’ve come to realize that this year... Will have
ups and downs, and I hope to face each challenge
bravely and intelligently.

I’ve come to realize that my husband...
Is my bestest friend. Without him I wouldn't
be who I am.

I’ve come to realize that maybe I should...
Stop taking things so seriously.

I’ve come to realize that I love... Happy,
upbeat people. Those that don't constantly
complain and whine. Those that have integrity.
Those that mean exactly what they say and stick
to it no matter what!

I’ve come to realize that I don’t understand...
The sadness in the world and the nutty stuff
people do - some serious, some just dumb.

I’ve come to realize my past... Isn't really that
bad. In fact overall it's pretty good :)

I’ve come to realize that parties... Are okay
with enough alcohol, as long as it isn't an
everyday or every week thing.

I’ve come to realize that I’m totally terrified...
Of water.

I’ve come to realize that my life...Is whatever
I make it out to be...I choose to be miserable
or be happy. I choose to live it or complain.
I choose to focus on the negative, or focus
on the positive.