Monday, October 26, 2009

My pick for news story of the day

NMSU scientists to study horse saddles <~~Click

Some excerpts:

The school is conducting the first scientific study of western saddles. Researchers are using a pad with sensors to map out the pressure levels different parts of the saddle put on the horse.

My take:
We've been riding horses for how many thousands of years?
The economy is in what kind of shape?
Where is this money for this study coming from please?
Does anyone really care?
Will it actually change anything?
How much will the 'new and improved' saddles cost and what
happens if no one has the money to pay for them because they
How do I get to be an 'expert'? Cuz that's what I want
to be when I grow up!

I would also like to point out how this state is millions
of dollars in the red, yet the governor's entertainment
budget is about three times that of last year's. Also their
House met recently about the deficit and proposed an immediate
tax on alcohol, cigarettes, soda and income to make up for it
all. The proposal failed however and instead the governor
has decided to slash the education budget, NM is already
48th in the ranks of education! Hmmmmmmm.