Monday, November 30, 2009

Just stamp 'stupid' on my forehead

I'm going Christmas shopping tomorrow.
I hate shopping and do most of it online.
I rarely go into our Wal-Mart or other chains.

And NOW they're talking the POSSIBILITY of SNOW
on Wednesday. That means every person in the
town will be at the stores to buy ten gallons
of milk each!! Doesn't matter that it could be
less than a quarter of an inch of the white
stuff, doesn't matter that the chance of that
happening are not more than 50%, just matters
that it's SNOW.
~Might as well tear my hair out now~

And why is it that I couldn't find the wrapping
paper anywhere in the shed after looking and
searching several times?? Then my husband can
get a flashlight and IN THE DARK go right to it?
I hate it when that happens!