I group everyone in to catagories. Those I don't like
(majority), those I don't like but tolerate for whatever
reason, and those I like. If I like you you will know it
as I babble incessantly at times about nothing (so sorry).
But learning from people in all three catagories is so
interesting....I learn patience, understanding, and
forgiveness. I learn my own strengths and weaknesses.
I learn through one how to tolerate another. I am
forever learning from people. Those I like I love dearly,
and they probably know it. I am an all for nothing type
person. I think people in general are here on earth to
teach us. Those that are crossing our life are doing so
for a reason. I know all types of people and am so glad
(of the ones I like) for all I have learned. Thanks for
crossing my path! :) FYI this blog is unlisted and is not
searchable in a search engine. If you are viewing this blog
it is because I either invited you or someone I invited sent
you a link. Told ya I am private! I do NOT have a site
meter on this site and have no idea who is on here reading
what, and I do allow anonymous comments. I HOPE you
sign your name after, but you don't have to! :)