Friday, April 17, 2009

Lock and Load Baby!

For those of you wondering where the title of
my blog came from, it's from Seger's Lock and
Load song. I love that song! It's basically a
song about life moving on, not to be afraid of
taking chances, and well, Lock and Load!

"I can sit here, in the back half of my life
And wonder when the other shoe will fall
Or I can stand up, point myself home
And see if I've learned anything at all
Anything at all Mediocrity is easy, the
good things take time The great need
commitment, right down the line."

So what's been happening Molly? Glad you
asked! First off, I'm slowly learning that
people are just totally screwed up anymore.
In two weeks time, I had ANOTHER person
want to break off a friendship (apparently).
A friend from high school got in touch with
me. Supposedly he had married the love of
his life, blah blah blah.... We had never
had a romance mind you, just were friends
in high school. Well I wrote him back telling
him about stuff and mentioning we'd probably
be in Indiana this summer and all four of us
could go out to dinner together and yadda yadda...
POOF he suddenly disappeared. Hmmmm.
For the record, if I ever was to consider having
an affair - well there had better be looks, brains,
AND money. With the last two people who
have flipped me off and weren't interested in
JUST a friendship - they didn't have any of
these qualifications!!

What else - Well we went back to look at that house
this evening. We had made them a lowball offer
and they countered, coming down over $20,000.
So we went to totally access the condition of the
Pros - cute basement! Not a huge house, 2 car
attached garage, pecan trees, privacy fenced,
master bathroom, kitchenette in the basement,
huge laundry area.
Cons - Needs overhaul, that's okay if the price is right.
Different school district. No big pantry. No
coat closet. Less land. Off highway.
Conclusion - After a couple of weeks of arguing and
discussing things, I did a complete about face today.
I don't want to give up the land I have here. I like having
room to walk dogs, have a dog yard, have garden and
flower beds, a clothesline, etc. Maybe I'm reaching this
conclusion because the weather is finally starting
to get nice and I've been working a lot outside and
planning a lot of what's getting planted where. I finally
just got caught up on the raking and burning of leaves
(thanks to about 50 oaks) and the place is starting to
look good! Lots more to do outside yet but that's
part of the fun, ya know? Two or three hours outside
each day is very fulfilling, plus great exercise! So
I think I will tell the realtor this, make ONE more offer
on the place, and let the chips fall where they may.
We won't go up much from our previous offer. If
they accept it we literally stole the house. We can
spend a year or so fixing it up then deciding whether
to move in or sell. And if we stay here we can go
back to original remodeling plans, and stop looking!

Oh. And I've been eating everything is sight lately,
whazzup with that? We went to a buffet tonite and
I pigged out, then came home and have eaten two
other snacks since then. I'm going to need that
exercise soon more than ever!

Lock and Load!!