Wednesday, April 8, 2009

They'll force me to buy from Europe

Yes I smoke.
Get over it.
Luckily I live in Missouri, the 3rd lowest state
in the nation for cigarette taxes. But they can't
stop the feds when they raise those sin taxes.
So as of April 1st the price of ciggies went up,
around six bucks a carton I believe. Something
about to help the poor kids get health insurance.
If you are unfortunate enough to live in the state
of Arkansas, the price went up about seven bucks
more than that per carton, as the state raised
taxes to pay for a trauma center (I think only
smokers should be allowed to use the trauma
center). BUT the interesting part about Arkansas
is just recently they tried to make it a FELONY
if a resident possesses more than 21 packs of
ciggies without their precious Arkansas stamp on
them. They are trying to tell you where to shop!
As left, it is a misdemeanor in Arkansas to possess
more than 11 packs of ciggies *gasp* without
an Arkansas stamp. This was passed in an effort
to stop Arkansans from driving into Missouri to
buy cigarettes. I presume now they'll have border
patrol agents and the ciggie police going door to
door of households who smoke. You know, to make
sure they are legal :)

But the price keeps increasing in this state as well.
As of right now, I would break even buying my ciggies
from Europe. Actually Europe is cheaper, but with
the postage cost. One more increase and I take my
business out of the country. And it's perfectly legal
to order your ciggies by mail - a few years ago some
of the northern states tried going after internet
ciggy shoppers and charging them state tax on
what they bought, but this was ruled unconstitutional
in court. You can't tell someone where to shop!

This may not seem like a big deal to you. But think
about it. There are huge taxes on cigarettes, between
the states and the feds. Shopping for ciggies in
Europe, well the country loses those taxes. Who is
going to make those taxes up? Taxing something
YOU enjoy will be next. Then they'll make some sort
of federal law about going to prison for 30 years
if you buy your ciggies out of the country. Then your
property taxes will go up to pay for all the new prisons!
THEN people will quit smoking, and alas, no tax.

Speaking of which, why does the tax keep increasing
but the rights of smokers keep decreasing? With the
taxes they are paying, wouldn't you want them to
keep puffing away absolutely anywhere? Just another
thing to think about.
