Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Hardest Thing I've Ever Done

Just last night someone asked me to stop writing
to them. I quote "I know it will be the hardest
thing you will have ever done in your life but...
(insert blah blah here)." I have a comment to that.

In 1988 I went through the death of my husband.
It was not pretty, let me tell you. I was only 24
years old. In 1991 I had a serious automobile
accident which consequently laid me up for
months. I should have been killed. In 2004
a psycho customer named me in a lawsuit that
had nothing to do with me, and I was served papers
for the first time ever. That made me physically ill.
I've lost beloved dogs several times over, even helped
to bury a few. One was over 15 years old and had
to be put to sleep after my automobile accident, as
he was a passenger. I was widowed at the ripe age
of 24, owing $600,000 on a business that had no
way of paying for itself. I could go on but will stop

Stopping writing to someone is not on my list of the
hardest thing I have ever done. It's not even close.
To the person that told me that last night, I have
a salute just for you. I would also like to say I have
been through more crap than you will go through
in a lifetime. Yet I have never treated a so called
friend the way I was treated. You are a self
centered whiner. Get over yourself, I have.
