Monday, April 6, 2009

Trying too hard

When you want something bad enough it
cannot happen soon enough, can it? I
am the first to admit I have no patience.
Except at Christmas. I can patiently await
for Christmas to arrive.

Sometimes we try way too hard to get what
we want. And we look in the wrong place.
Or what we want could go flying by in a bright
pink balloon and we don't pay it a diddle of
attention, because we are too busy trying to
make it happen NOW. I believe that life itself
is full of many signs and signals, most of which
we do not notice. Think back - what if you had
taken a different path when you got to that fork
in the road?

Often times we just have to relax, and have
patience. Most things fall into place all by them-
selves if we are just willing to wait it out. With
decisions about people for instance - patience is
definitely the best way. Because most people will
do themselves in or come through eventually.
No need to even try to make a decision there!
With job decisions or life decisions - it's best to
have some sort of a plan, for backup. Not a
detailed point by point plan - but just an idea.
Remember my earlier post on Missouri weather?
Out here you must be prepared and have a plan
for anything. I think that same rule applies to
many other aspects of life. Have an idea, have
something in the back of your mind, then wait for
the sign. It might not be easy, but it's better than
being caught totally off guard.

Then there is the aspect of wanting something very
badly, and not knowing how to get it. Often times
we get too impatient and rush to get that done.
When in reality if we wait it will fall into place. Yeah,
I'm guilty here, how about you? Take a few deep
breaths, sit back, and relax a bit. Think before acting.
If it was meant to be it will take very little action on
your part for it to happen. If it wasn't meant to be
then rushing forth and making a fool of yourself
will make it worse. Once again, I do believe that there
are many signals and signs in life - our job is to learn
how to read them. Those signs and signals will tell
us what to do. It takes practice!

One other thing - dwelling on something. Very often
while we sit and dwell we miss the signs for something
else that is meant to happen. Pay attention to
all aspects of your life, try not to dwell, and watch
those signals! Because I feel that is how things get
worse and pile up then overwhelm us. While we were
busy dwelling, that pink balloon floated by, we didn't
pay attention, so something else happened. Now we
have TWO problems. And so on......