Wednesday, August 26, 2009
They're messing with me!
Did you hear? We're eating too much sugar - GASP.
New sin tax me thinks?
Anyway a couple of nights ago I told my husband 'OMG they're
messing with me!' There will be nothing left for me
to enjoy that isn't bad for me!! Leave sugar alone!
Let me live!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not changing my sugar consumption any. The way I look
at it is at least sugar is natural....would I want to
consume a sugar substitute instead? Nope. All those
chemicals can't be better for someone versus something
natural. In a few years I'll be growing my own sugar won't
I, the way it's going????? Oh and the price of beer is
going up, did you hear? That doesn't bother me - LOL. If
I drank more than three beers a year I might be upset.
Sugar on the other hand.........WAH.