I just love living in the Bible Belt sometimes (NOT).
So a state senator traveled to Iowa to marry her
(same sex) lover. Because of this area, it of course
if big headlines on the news. That plus the news has
no real news but that is another story. Then all
on both sides get all riled up, and nasty words start
flying. This happens again and again and again with
stories that are not that big of a deal. For instance,
anything Planned Parenthood does or supports is always
a story for the media. I'm sorry but I wish we had a
Planned Parenthood here (the bible thumpers keep them
out as they think all PP does is abortions). PP is a
very good place to get low cost medical testing and
checkups. Most PP's do NOT do abortions! When
will it be time to shut the hell up and leave the judging
to God? I keep my mouth shut as I did move to this
area, but if it weren't for the media some issues would
just take care of themselves. My beef is not just with
the local media. National media capitalize on debatable
issues as well, and like to keep the pot stirred up. After
all, if we are busy fighting with each other, we probably
are not paying any attention to what they are doing in
Washington, are we? WAKE UP!