So for awhile now I've been planning a trip for me.
I wanted to go back to NM this year. I haven't been
back since we moved here to the Ozarks. Immediate
family had other ideas, they wanted me in Indiana
for a party. I didn't know that when I planned my last
trip to Indiana and was planning my NM trip.
Mr. Lock an Load and I were just talking about this.
I'm not looking forward to the Indiana trip if we go
(NO offense to my family)...reason is I'm just not
comfortable with the upper midwest and the people,
etc. But plans are in place and if they work out,
fine, a quick trip to Indiana it is. If they don't work
out I have nothing to feel guilty about.
But the trip to NM is a problem. I didn't count on
the layovers with Amtrak, the flight stuff, etc. It's
just a too hard of a drive for me. Not just the miles
but the layout of the roads, etc. Anyway, instead
I am working towards a get-away to Las Vegas in
the fall. Going to start giving my friends out that
way the heads up so we can get together!! I've
been wanting to go back there for so long anyway!
I'm going to push for a full week there, so I have time
to have some fun! Will try to pick a great all inclusive
hotel so if I don't want to leave I don't have to.
Something to plan and look forward to! Actually
I'd love to return to Lake Tahoe, but I'm not going to
drive up there after landing in Reno, plus I wouldn't
get to hang out with friends there, so Vegas it is.