Friday, May 22, 2009

Slices of Life pt. 4

Buying booze while pregnant - I was pretty pregnant when
one evening in NM we were going to have friends over
for dinner. One of the guests drank a certain brand
of scotch, which we were out of. So on my way to
town I was asked if I would stop at the corner store and
pick up a bottle of this scotch. I went in, grabbed the
bottle, then got in line to pay. A few minutes later I
could feel icy glares and hear whispering. I looked at
the line behind me and it was full of older people, all
casting me the evil eye for being pregnant and going
on a drinking binge! At first I was laughing (on the
inside), then I was concerned that the checkout
person may not let me have it. But no worries, he
knew I wasn't an alkie.

I lied to the cops - Eeek! Living in Colorado by myself,
one night I was in the living room and heard someone
trying to open the back door. OMG! I went into the
bathroom to get a better view from that window, and
heard whistling. I thought it sounded like an employee
I had recently fired. I called the cops and told them
someone was trying to get into my back door, and
who I thought it was. I no sooner got off the phone
when I went into the kitchen to peek out the window.
I saw the guy walking away. He was drunk as a
skunk, and he was my neighbor, an elected city official.
He walked towards the alley, then crossed over to his
property and went inside his house. At first I was
'Oh my God!' Then I was....
Uh oh. He just had the wrong house.
What to do??
Within a couple of more minutes here came about
uhm, six police cars. On the street in front, down
the alley behind, everywhere. All with their lights
flashing. One lady cop that I knew came to the
door. I immediately told her it was not the person
who I thought it was (and it bought me some time
to decide what to tell them). Then another cop
came to the door and asked me which way he
Uh oh.
I said down the alley. "Then how come we didn't
see him then?" Whoops. I really really really
didn't want to get my elected city official neighbor
in trouble with night shift city cops. "I don't know."
After searching awhile they left. I sensed doubt
though. It was about two years later when I
finally told the police chief who actually had
tried to get in my house that night, and that he
was drunk and just had the wrong house is all.
The police chief told me they knew ~insert name~
was a drunk.
My conscience was clear.

I drank pina coladas in a bar while pregnant -
We had this place we loved to go to in Pueblo.
We used to go into the lounge when I was pregnant
and I'd order a virgin pina colada. Occasionally
it got me some icy cold stares but I told the
bartender not to say anything, no one is owed
an explanation. In today's world they'd probably
go home and blog about it!