Monday, May 4, 2009

Your jealousy is not my problem

There is a song by Queen that starts out,
"I've paid my dues, time after time...."
And that is probably a true statement of many
of us. We have all gone through some rough
periods, myself included. You know it's during
those rough times that one tends to find out
who their true friends are...who stood by you,
who offered support, and who hid in the corner.
And one doesn't forget.
By the same token, when something good happens,
your true friends will be happy for you. I don't
think I'm a bragger by any stretch of the imagination.
Yes I've had some great times. But also, I'm happy
with the very simple things in life, where as many
people are not. I also get excited at something
good happening or that is going to happen, and
I like to share those things with the people in my

If your life is not as great as you'd like or you
are in a situation that prevents you from enjoying
the same things as I do, is that a valid reason for
jealousy? Aren't we all responsible for our own
lives and choices? Only YOU can change your life,
I cannot and no one else can either.

I define people two ways - the whiners - those that
whine about all the bad things that have happened
or are happening in their life, and the winners - those
that are upbeat about their current life and don't
complain about their previous hard times. Yes
we all whine from time to time, that is normal. But
for some it is an absolute way of life. If life is that
bad then change it! Don't waste precious energy
being jealous of what others have that you do not.
No one else chose your life but you.

Everyone makes mistakes and everyone makes poor
choices at times, but to spend your time whining
about it is an absolute waste of time. AND you must
learn something from those mistakes and poor choices
or it was totally in vain.

You know I hear a lot about forgive, forgive, forgive.
This is a good time to mention this....I am a big
believer in forgiving someone, ONLY IF the person
asks for forgiveness. Otherwise I don't care who they
are if they've hurt you why forgive? Only to be hurt
again? We all make mistakes but owning up to those
mistakes and trying to make it right takes real balls and
class. Pretending nothing happened or lying about it
is the way of a coward.