I dressed up as Shirley Temple - We were seniors in high school,
me and 2 good friends. I had a teacher that hated 1) Shirley
Temple 2) Pockey the french poodle (a girlfriend's dog) and
3) Aunt Bea (Andy Griffith show). So on Halloween I dressed
up as Shirley Temple, one friend as Pockey the poodle, and
the other friend as Aunt Bea. The teacher wasn't home that
night, although we did go to another teacher's door trick or
I told someone I was the best boss ever - Radio station days.
I was dealing with a customer in his store one day, and one
of his customer's piped up and asked me if I worked for the
local radio station. When I said yes, he then asked me how I
liked working for that woman boss lady. I winked at the
owner of the store, turned around to face his customer, and
with a sweet smile on my face told him "Oh I LOVE working
for her - she's the best boss ever!" The customer nodded
and the owner was trying not to lose it in a fit of laughter.
I sang Margaritaville into a fan - With a friend. At
the top of my lungs. And I had had nothing to drink in the
way of alcohol. 2 years ago at a 4th of July celebration.
A great big industrial sized fan.
This is self explanatory I'd say. :)